Sunday, August 3, 2014

Raw Honesty in Poetry

Today I'm purging and packing (again?!?) before we leave the country August 11th.  I came across a poem I wrote on one of my prayer journals.  This poem was written over time (from 2009 to present) and growth, maturity and perspective.  It is about learning to walk into the water of trusting God while experiencing the brokenness, lack of trust and pain that remains even when trusting the Lord.  I'm typing it here to keep it for future reflection...


Deep is the sea
Dip a toe in
Be enticed, free
The foot, the ankle

Deeper still
Begin to fall, shackle
Be enticed, loses its thrill
Deep is the sea

Emotions, Hormones, Unknown
Swirl with sadness, loss
Grasping faith, believing more
Since when has life been such a chore?

Always is the answer
Life is just this
Faith, Believing, Grasping for More
Yes life will always be a chore

Words fill the page; the mind
Answers come from behind
None easy; most blind
Only He is kind

Cry out does the spirit
A roar in my chest
Deeper, dig deeper yet

Align human flesh
Surrender the mess
He who made the days
Restore me today, tomorrow, always