Thursday, October 30, 2008

Job Update...

Chris did have his first interview with the A.V. company and feels that it went very well. We're waiting for the call/email to schedule the 2nd interview so be praying!!!

I cling to hope and God's promise that he will provide all my needs according to His riches and glory.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Job Prospect!!!!!

Chris has a real prospect for a steady job!! Be praying this Wednesday at 10am. Chris will be interviewing with two men from the company and if all goes well he will have a 2nd interview with the owner of the company.

Please be praying that Chris will have favor and the owners will be willing to pay him more than their average new-hire.

Thanks for your prayers and we'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Verse for the last few weeks...

I'm sure we can all relate to life being so hard that you just feel like you're going to lose your mind. In those moments it's so difficult for me not to fly off at the mouth and act like a psycho. It just feels so good (like letting the air out of an overfilled balloon) just to let it out; even if it causes more damage and, in turn, more reason to freak out in the future. So, for the past few years, at least, I've been really working on watching my tongue, acting slowly and not giving into my fleshly desire to just spew.

The last couple weeks have been particularly difficult and I've been meditating on a couple verses in Proverbs. I've been asking for wisdom in my life as well as a tangible realization of God's power being enacted in my every day life. Maybe it will speak to your life as well.

Proverbs 24:14 - "Know also that wisdom is sweet for your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."

Proverbs 31:25 - "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." (Some days this seems out of reach but I'm choosing to believe that through God's power all things are possible, without Him nothing is possible.)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I went to Tae Bo last night but took a different class...Fitness Boxing. This class can be summed up in one eloquent word, "OUCH!". Having said that, it was great fun and I know I worked some muscle groups that haven't been worked in a great while. And, it was also a great opportunity to visualize my plummeting checkbook balance and beat the crap out of it!

Yep, that's my blogging insight for the day.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Peaceful Sleep...

"In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe." --Psalm 4:8, NLT

...a good verse to meditate on and put into practice during difficult times. I'm really working to take God at His word; that he'll keep me safe and wants good for me. Hope you can apply this too!

Monday, October 6, 2008


Alright so here's the latest per Rachel's blog...

  1. A song/band/type of music you'd risk wreck & injury to turn off when it comes on the radio? - anything Marilyn Manson (he's just creepy)
  2. Best show on television? - nothing stands out. (Like Grays but don't think it deserves the "best" title.)
  3. Favorite movie? - Again, don't have one but like Broken Down Palace.
  4. Favorite room in your house? - Kitchen without kids at my feet!
  5. If you could have anything put on a t-shirt what would be? - "I hate T-shirts!"
  6. The best part about being your age? - Life experience with a youthful perspective.
  7. Favorite Girl Scout cookie? - Frozen Thin Mints.
  8. Poker or gin or bridge? - Definitely gin, preferably with tonic and a twist of lime!
  9. Shower or bath? - Shower. I'm like a beached whale in the tub: legs propped on wall looking at my tummy roll!
  10. Favorite pajamas? - Lightweight sleep-dresses w/ boob support.
  11. Nightmare job? - Snake rescue and research. EWWWWW!!!
  12. A talent that you wish you had? - Gospel singing voice. I have the spirit to belt it but the vocal cords just don't follow suit.
  13. Dream vacation? - Anything/place where I don't have to worry about how expensive things are and I'm able to do what I want, when I want without worrying about time or financial restraints. Ocean or Pyramids are a bonus.
  14. What's on your nighstand? - Lamp, pic of G and journal.
  15. Tell us 3 weird things about you? - 1. When I add or subtract I always do so by 5's, 10's or 20's and subtract the difference to get the right answer. (Yes, it works!) 2. I like to count bathroom tiles while doing by business. 3. I'm sometimes very, very messy but truly respect and need order in my life.

Still want to be my friend?! :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Nothing Much To Say...

It's been a while since I've posted and I keep searching my friend-blog-list and you guys have yet to post anything too... So, I thought maybe my nothing post would prompt you guys to post something for my entertainment. :)

Tomorrow is Sharon's birthday (my mother-in-law) and, in her memory, we're going to walk the Susan G. Komen Walk/Run for the Cure. But, of course, in classic Tina style I have yet to register and procrastinated until the very last minute and have to register this afternoon at the last pre-race day registration booth. Ugh. The last time we participated we were walking with Sharon to celebrate her victory over breast cancer. So, this one will be heavy (best exhibited in my dream last night - in which, Sharon died and then my father-in-law died 2 days later) but well worth the emotional pain to celebrate an amazing lady.