Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Snow Angels

Our family went on a tree hunt with a few of our friends and had a great time. The girls looked perfectly puffy in their snow suits and snow-angel'd their way up the mountain.

I am providing photographic documentation for all my friends who complain about my lack of pictures... :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Things are looking up people!

We have received word that Chris did get a short-term AV contracting job that will be a huge financial blessing for us. Christmas is just around the corner and we seem to be getting our present early. Praise God!

We haven't heard official word about the job with King Systems but hope to hear sometime this week.

We're smiling.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Interview Update and Misc...

So, Chris went to the interview and it went well. They said he will get the final confirmation call next week but all signs point to him having this job. Praise God and I'll keep you posted.

A little something to numb my brain out... Enjoy a glimpse of the Christmas Frenzy coming our way!!!!

...So I know this is a crazy fact about me but I really do like these. So, if you have time, reply with your input. I love learning about my ladies! Happy Thanksgiving. We are so blessed!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper with bows
2. Real tree or Artificial? Real
3. When do you put up the tree? Whenever I get to it and Chris and the girls are around to participate.
4. When do you take the tree down? After Christmas and when the needles are buggin' me.
5. Do you like egg nog? Yes, 1/2 skim milk, 1/2 egg nog. Or, I just tried Rice Nog (Egg Nog made from Rice Milk and it was good!)
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Stalkings have always been a favorite of mine.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yep, from Isreal but my heathen dog at baby Jesus a couple years ago!!
8. Hardest person to buy for? Dad
9.. Easiest person to buy for? Chris. He always gives a VERY detailed list!
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Badly fitting lengerie
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? None
13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Oh yeah!
14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Shrimp Cocktail at Christmas Brunch
15. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear
16. Favorite Christmas song? Oh Holy Night (almost makes me cry every year...)
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We do what works for the year. No preference really.
18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? Nope. Wait...maybe...
19.. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? PJ's Christmas Eve and the rest, one at a time, Christmas morning.
20. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Mall traffic and that extra few pounds.
21. Favorite thing about this time of year? Family time and remembering what it's all about.
22. Favorite ornament, theme, or color? Well, not really but I really like a sailboat ornament we got in the Carribean.
23. What do you want for Christmas this year? Money in my bank account.
24. Who will reply to this the quickest? No clue.


Chris has his 2nd interview today (Friday) at 12:30pm. He's meeting with the two founders of the company.

Prayer list:
Favor with owners
Confidence and Calmness for Chris (and me!)
Discernment and Boldness for Chris when discussing wage requirements
That God would be glorified through Chris' time spent in this process

Thanks guys!! I'll let you know....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No News...

So, still no news on the bid or the 2nd interview. We are expecting to hear about both but both parties are taking their sweet time... So, we wait.

...Working on being joyful in all things. God is good. I know that for sure.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


As we wait for a 2nd interview for Chris and also a response from a client on a bid that will pull us through our financial rut, I focus of God's truths. Chris and I were talking yesterday and are both in the same place; if we focus on God's promise and trust in Him we're fine but if we have a moment of sin-nature driven fear or earthly "reality" we lose it!! So, we strive to abide in Him and put our hope in Him; not money, jobs or even our dreams.

My verse for today:
"I pray that God, the source of HOPE, will fill you completely with JOY and PEACE because you TRUST in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the POWER of the Holy Spirit." --Romans 15:13, NLT

Sunday, November 2, 2008


It's hard being a woman isn't it ladies?!?

For the past few days I've been clunked over the head, rather constantly, with those little womanly "privileges" that if dealt out in great numbers will actually really throw a wrench in the daily grind. I'm talking about PMS, women's intuition, mom ears and the like. I haven't slept well b/c I'm hearing every noise out of Reese and Georgia, I've been edgy b/c of PMS (anyone who knows me knows I hate to admit this!), and I'm constantly thinking ahead and planning in my head as I see upcoming obstacles or challenges. Ugh! I'm exhausted.

The tides will turn soon, I'm sure but until then I'll be gritting my teeth and thanking the Lord for making me uniquely female!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Job Update...

Chris did have his first interview with the A.V. company and feels that it went very well. We're waiting for the call/email to schedule the 2nd interview so be praying!!!

I cling to hope and God's promise that he will provide all my needs according to His riches and glory.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Job Prospect!!!!!

Chris has a real prospect for a steady job!! Be praying this Wednesday at 10am. Chris will be interviewing with two men from the company and if all goes well he will have a 2nd interview with the owner of the company.

Please be praying that Chris will have favor and the owners will be willing to pay him more than their average new-hire.

Thanks for your prayers and we'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Verse for the last few weeks...

I'm sure we can all relate to life being so hard that you just feel like you're going to lose your mind. In those moments it's so difficult for me not to fly off at the mouth and act like a psycho. It just feels so good (like letting the air out of an overfilled balloon) just to let it out; even if it causes more damage and, in turn, more reason to freak out in the future. So, for the past few years, at least, I've been really working on watching my tongue, acting slowly and not giving into my fleshly desire to just spew.

The last couple weeks have been particularly difficult and I've been meditating on a couple verses in Proverbs. I've been asking for wisdom in my life as well as a tangible realization of God's power being enacted in my every day life. Maybe it will speak to your life as well.

Proverbs 24:14 - "Know also that wisdom is sweet for your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."

Proverbs 31:25 - "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." (Some days this seems out of reach but I'm choosing to believe that through God's power all things are possible, without Him nothing is possible.)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I went to Tae Bo last night but took a different class...Fitness Boxing. This class can be summed up in one eloquent word, "OUCH!". Having said that, it was great fun and I know I worked some muscle groups that haven't been worked in a great while. And, it was also a great opportunity to visualize my plummeting checkbook balance and beat the crap out of it!

Yep, that's my blogging insight for the day.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Peaceful Sleep...

"In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe." --Psalm 4:8, NLT

...a good verse to meditate on and put into practice during difficult times. I'm really working to take God at His word; that he'll keep me safe and wants good for me. Hope you can apply this too!

Monday, October 6, 2008


Alright so here's the latest per Rachel's blog...

  1. A song/band/type of music you'd risk wreck & injury to turn off when it comes on the radio? - anything Marilyn Manson (he's just creepy)
  2. Best show on television? - nothing stands out. (Like Grays but don't think it deserves the "best" title.)
  3. Favorite movie? - Again, don't have one but like Broken Down Palace.
  4. Favorite room in your house? - Kitchen without kids at my feet!
  5. If you could have anything put on a t-shirt what would be? - "I hate T-shirts!"
  6. The best part about being your age? - Life experience with a youthful perspective.
  7. Favorite Girl Scout cookie? - Frozen Thin Mints.
  8. Poker or gin or bridge? - Definitely gin, preferably with tonic and a twist of lime!
  9. Shower or bath? - Shower. I'm like a beached whale in the tub: legs propped on wall looking at my tummy roll!
  10. Favorite pajamas? - Lightweight sleep-dresses w/ boob support.
  11. Nightmare job? - Snake rescue and research. EWWWWW!!!
  12. A talent that you wish you had? - Gospel singing voice. I have the spirit to belt it but the vocal cords just don't follow suit.
  13. Dream vacation? - Anything/place where I don't have to worry about how expensive things are and I'm able to do what I want, when I want without worrying about time or financial restraints. Ocean or Pyramids are a bonus.
  14. What's on your nighstand? - Lamp, pic of G and journal.
  15. Tell us 3 weird things about you? - 1. When I add or subtract I always do so by 5's, 10's or 20's and subtract the difference to get the right answer. (Yes, it works!) 2. I like to count bathroom tiles while doing by business. 3. I'm sometimes very, very messy but truly respect and need order in my life.

Still want to be my friend?! :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Nothing Much To Say...

It's been a while since I've posted and I keep searching my friend-blog-list and you guys have yet to post anything too... So, I thought maybe my nothing post would prompt you guys to post something for my entertainment. :)

Tomorrow is Sharon's birthday (my mother-in-law) and, in her memory, we're going to walk the Susan G. Komen Walk/Run for the Cure. But, of course, in classic Tina style I have yet to register and procrastinated until the very last minute and have to register this afternoon at the last pre-race day registration booth. Ugh. The last time we participated we were walking with Sharon to celebrate her victory over breast cancer. So, this one will be heavy (best exhibited in my dream last night - in which, Sharon died and then my father-in-law died 2 days later) but well worth the emotional pain to celebrate an amazing lady.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Monkey Georgetown!!!!

So, we took a family drive after church today; had a picnic and saw the fall colors. The girls did great and can you believe it snowed on us during our picnic lunch?! Colorado, I tell you what!

Anyway, we drove back down the pass and were going into Georgetown and Reese got so excited. She started squealing, "Monkey Georgetown! Monkey Georgetown!" We finally deduced that our Curious George fanatic thought we were going to see Monkey George. After all, anything named George-something must be Monkey George affiliated!

After we drove through town Reese started to pout and asked where Monkey George was. Sadly, we broke the news that Monkey George wasn't in Georgetown that day. Reese asked where he was and Chris cleverly told her that Monkey George was exploring with the man in the yellow hat. With that she was satisfied.

Too cute. Great day. (Even despite our flat tire change on a cliff above tree-line!)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Blessings...

A short list of things that give me a smile today:

  • 5:45am morning breeze with stars and moon shining.
  • Lattes
  • Georgia constantly in her underwear with NO butt
  • Friends to be real with
  • Staying home with my girls and not missing a moment of their craziness
  • $4.99 Goodwill jeans than were recommended by Real Simple to best fit my body type! (Retail $50)

Have a great Friday!

Friday, September 19, 2008


I'm posting b/c I'm avoiding laundry, dirty carpets and toys tossed and scattered ALL OVER my house! So, just one little thought and then I'll be diligent with my time...

I was listening to K-Love this morning on the way home from bringing the girls to school and the DJ read a eulogy for some man that died 11 years ago today. Anyway, the thing that hit me was that it talked about his legacy. He accomplished great things and touched many lives but the eulogy made a point to mention that his accomplishments were not his legacy. His relationships were his legacy.

So, today as I trudge through the monotony of life I'll be thinking of what my legacy will be. Right now I've settled on the fact that my legacy starts with my husband and kids; how I can raise the girls and love my husband in a way that encourages and equips them to make a difference with their lives.

More thoughts to come on life legacies. What's your legacy?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Our pastor urged us to read Hebrews 10 after he referenced Hebrews 10: 23,24,25 in his sermon. I read it today and am still meditating on the verse he highlighted. Hebrews 10 is worth the visit.

Hebrews 10:23,24,25
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another all the more as you see the Day approaching.

It seems that we are always looking for something stable to stand on. The truth that really penetrated my heart is in vs 23; that God is faithful and THEREFORE we can move forward unswervingly with hope. Stability. Determination and Direction. Hope.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Translucent But Not Overlooked...

My father-in-law sent me an email with pictures of these translucent butterflies from Central America.

Isn't our God amazing?! If He cares about the tiny details of this butterfly's wings, surely He cares deeply about the little details in our lives!

Small Treasures...

I've found a few things lately that I really enjoy and thought I'd share them with you. ( them here so I can throw away the cocktail napkin that I wrote the wine name on for future reference!)

White Wine -
Bookwalter Chardonnay/Viognier; Yakima Valley WA

Cheese -
Blue Cheese served with Mixed Berry Preserve (Yum!)

Eat your hearts out friends!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Today's a 10 Things Day...

Rachel posts 10 positive things on the days that she needs a check or just to discipline her focus on positive. So, I'm listing mine today. Things aren't terrible but I'm losing my get-up and thought this might center me...

1. Aunt Flo came today!!! (5 days late!!!!)
2. Brownies in a bag
3. Wine
4. No-brainer TV
5. Sensitive Georgia tearing up watching the end of a mushy-girly movie (She caught the end with me when she woke up from nap. Nick Cage wins lotto and splits it w/ waitress...)
6. Black clothes (Good cover up for #'s 1, 2 and 3)
7. Girlfriends who will tell you the truth...when you're ready for it...
8. A mom who let me make mistakes and helped me learn to let my girls make mistakes.

Okay, 8 today b/c kids are going nuts!!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Stability? What's That?

Well, Chris got a call yesterday from a long-time career lead and may have a job opportunity for a large-ish AV company. Chris faxed his resume to this company in January and just last week his resume landed on the desk of our friend who works at the company! So, our friend is passing on the resume with great recommendation.

We're praying to walk in God's perfect will BUT, we're also asking that Chris be offered a position that brings financial stability and that the position be something that Chris enjoys. Will you partner with me in prayer? I have a million questions for Chris and my brain is going a million miles an hour as his brain appears to be on sabbatical. (My perception...not reality, I know.)

Until further notice...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Best Life Diet Hunger Scale

I read The Best Life Diet about a year ago and was able to implement a few of Bob Green's weight-management strategies. I was perusing his website today and realized I haven't been using his oh-so-helpful hunger scale. So, this is my latest tool to drop those lingering pounds. Maybe it will be helpful to my lady-friends too...

The key is to eat something when your hunger level is between at 3 and a 4 and to stop eating when your hunger level is between a 5 and a 6. Also, don't eat while driving, watching TV or chasing's difficult to pay attention to your hunger level when you're distracted.

10 - Stuffed - You are so full you feel nauseous.
9 - Very uncomfortably full - You need to loosen your clothes.
8 - Uncomfortably full - You feel bloated.
7 - Full - A little bit uncomfortable.
6 - Perfectly comfortable - You feel satisfied.
5 - Comfortable - You’re neither hungry nor full.
4 - Slightly uncomfortable - You’re just beginning to feel hungry.
3 - Uncomfortable - Your stomach is rumbling.
2 - Very uncomfortable - You feel irritable & unable to concentrate.

1 - Weak and light headed - You stomach acid is churning.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I've been in a rut lately and just can't get motivated to do anything really. Sometimes stress catches up ya know? So, I'm posting to report that I'm still alive, in my pj's with terrible smelling breath at 9:10am. Today I am certainly not a domestic goddess but a domestic toad. And you know what? I'm going to coast through today and embrace my over sized shirt and stinky breath!

Until tomorrow, I'm sure...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Is Your Man On The Roof?

I've started reading Proverbs again and am reading one chapter a day to correspond with the date. So, today I read Proverbs 21. Each day I take a verse or two and meditate on the message. Today I was really challenged with my role as a wife.

vs 9 - "Better to live on a corner of the roof than to share a house with a quarrelsome wife."
vs 19 - "Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife."
vs 29 - "A wicked man puts up a bold front, but an upright man gives thought to his ways."

It's a well known fact that I like to stir the pot and have heated "discussions". I wonder, does Chris feel as though I'm a quarrelsome wife? I'm sure, at times, he feels like he'd like to climb up on the roof and take a break from our "discussions". So, I'll discuss this with him but also meditate on what kind of wife I'm being from moment to moment. I want to uplift my man and encourage him and surely not make him want to wander the desert alone!!

So ladies... How are you doing as an encourager of your husband? Is your man running to the desert or climbing onto the roof? Or, are you giving thought to your ways?


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Heart Song...

It's funny that Rachel posted a Psalm today as I have been pondering the book of Psalms in the last 48 hours or so... I went to a Christian gospel concert Thursday night (great time!!!). So many of the songs referenced Psalms and I realized again their power and, again, the sense that they are such a clear reflection of the heart that God has called me to have for Him. My heart cries out and my spirit longs for more of Him.

So, here's my excerpt for the day:

Psalm 63:1-8

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you,
my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land
where there is no water.

I have seen you in the sanctuary
and beheld your power and your glory.

Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you.

I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.

My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

On my bed I remember you; I think of you in the watches of night.

Because you are my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings.

My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Basic Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

...Not a great deal of variety this week... But, it's a small price we pay for a smaller grocery bill this week. ($30)

Dinner: (fewer dinners this week due to dinner dates)
  • Beef Pot Pie (made w/ frozen leftovers from roast last week)
  • Tortellini w/ Marinara and Steamed Veggies
  • Mexican Green Chili Bake (impromptu recipe w/ leftovers and new garden peppers)
  • Mac N Cheese and hot dogs
  • Breakfast for Dinner


  • Cottage Cheese and Fruit
  • Mac N Cheese w/ Fruit
  • PBJ's and Carrot Sticks/Fruit
  • Yogurt and Fruit
  • Grilled Cheese
  • Whole Wheat Waffles (frozen from large batch earlier in month)


  • Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • String Cheese
  • Homemade Popsicles (w/ leftover canned fruit juice, yogurt and fruit puree)
  • Rice Crispy Treats
  • Popcorn
  • Yogurt

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Hey all. As you may know, I planted a garden this year and I now have zucchini coming out of my ears!

Let me know if you'd like zucchini and I'll get some to you...


Friday, August 1, 2008

Smokin' like it's 1995...

Last night I had the pleasure of spending time with some old friends (one from 2nd grade and another from 9th grade) and we had a blast into the past. Just as we did when we were in high school, we ate Taco Bell, smoked cigarettes and had a non-sensical good time. We are all in different places in life; one newly single, one newly married and one married, moldy, with kids. The night was so refreshing as I was constantly reminded of how friendship bridges all circumstances. Our differing circumstances, opinions, and pains made the experience all the richer and more rewarding. A sign of true friendship and blessing, I'm sure.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What's Cookin' ?

We'll I'm listing my menu for this week but caution all who may duplicate recipes. So far, I've gotten very little positive feed-back from my picky little eaters. This week I empathize with the moms with routinely picky eaters.

  • Pot Roast and Veggies (mushrooms, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pearl onions w/ mushroom/onion gravy) - Recipe from Sandra Lee, Food Network
  • Chimichangas (made w/ leftover roast meat, green chilis w/ cheese filling), Rice and Beans
  • Grilled Cheese w/ large $1.25 can of generic tomato soup (spiked w/ fresh basil from the garden to make it palatable...)
  • Homemade Mac'N'Cheese and Turkey Dogs, Assorted fruit
  • Tortelloni w/ Sage Butter Sauce and "Oven-Fried" Chicken Parmesan
  • Pita Pizzas - Pita Bread w/ pizza toppings cooked under broiler; Assorted fruit


  • PBJ (PB for Georgia, PJ for Reese - both sprinkled w/ flax meal), Carrots
  • Waffles (frozen from large batch previously made), Yogurt and Fruit
  • Cottage cheese, fruit and hard rolls w/ butter
  • Turkey or Ham Sandwiches or Tortilla roll-ups w/ cream cheese
  • Scrambled Eggs and Fruit Smoothies


  • Chocolate Chip Cookies (kid activity too...)
  • Chocolate Pudding
  • Panna Cotta w/ Raspberry Sauce
  • Raspberry Junket (prepackaged mix between jello and pudding...)
  • Banana Muffins (kid activity too...)
  • Homemade Popsicles (kid activity)
  • Rice Crispy Treats (from left-over camping marshmallows)
  • Yogurt/Cottage Cheese/Cheese Slices and Fruit

$58 on groceries this week AND $40 on bucket of chicken and movie for "easy" dinner. Lemme tell ya...not so easy on the budget!! No more bucket chicken for me...I almost had a heart attack (and not just from the fried chicken fat!) when I realized how much I paid for an easy night!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mountain Madness...

Last weekend we took our 1st camping trip of the 2008 summer. The girls slept much better this time around, which certainly beats the heck out of sleepless nights in the wilderness! We had such a lovely time just being alone as a family and taking each moment into our memory banks. AND, you picture-crazed parents will be happy to know that we also captured the moments on camera! I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks...

This weekend, Chris and I are going backpacking (without the kids) to celebrate our 7th anniversary. This is my first backpacking trip and, in an effort not to die of exhaustion, I've been exercising vigorously for the past few months! Hopefully, my hard work will pay off and I won't die while hauling my clothes and a couple books up the hill! (Chris has already advised me not to bring books but a weekend without kids; without books just isn't worth the hike! What a wasted time of solace...right?...we'll see...)

So, for now I fill my days with loads of laundry and conjuring up healthy, kid-friendly, husband-friendly, budget-conscious meals... This weekend, though, I'm a free, book-reading woman in a hammock!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lovely Library...

I had some time to myself yesterday and meandered over to the local library. You see, it's not so often that I have the opportunity to stroll through the aisles and flip through books that I wouldn't normally seek in my kid-induced frenzy. And, let me tell you, it was just lovely.

I discovered that I can now check out magazines and that the library does actually have a decent collection of Jazz and Blues cd's! (I suggest the 2005 New Orleans Benefit CD) But enough library ranting... During my library stroll I found a recently published book called, "New European Poets". I've always enjoyed poetry and thought I'd pick it up for a short read here and there. Mornings on the Ground is one of my favorites so far. I think her line break placement is interesting. Hope you enjoy.

Mornings on the Ground
by Rosa Alice Branco, Portugal

To accept the day. What will come.
To pass through more streets than houses,
more people than streets. To pass through
skin to the other side. While I make
and unmake the day. Your heart
sleeps with me. It wraps me up at night
and the mornings are cold when I get up.
And I'm always asking where you are and why
the streets no longer are rivers. At times
a drop of water falls to the ground
as if it were a tear. At times
there isn't ground enough to soak it up.

My list...

So, I've been listed twice to answer this list... Know what? I honestly don't mind them if they aren't too long. I think it's a great way to get to know the little details about people that just don't usually come up in conversation. So, here I go...

A - Attached or single: Attached, with a very well shackled ball and chain! :)

B - Best Friend: I hate the "best friend" concept. We all need different kinds of dear friends.
C - Cake or Pie: Strawberry Rhubarb Pie (we served pie at our wedding...)
D - Day of the Week: Thursday (don't know why...)
E - Essential Item: Honestly, can't think of one. Freeganism her I come!!
F - Favorite Color: Grass Green
G - Gummi Bears or Gummi Worms: Bears. I like to bite off their legs (so they can't run away), their head, then their arms... Heh.
H - Hair Product: Huh?
I - Indulgences: Great food.
J - January or July?: I don't discriminate.
K - Kids: My neighbor just told me she's adopting from an inner-city program and that they may get a child (between baby and age 3) with "special needs". Amazing! What a couple they are!
L - Life is incomplete without: love and honesty
M - Marriage Date: July 28th
N - Number of Siblings: Older Sis - Jen, Younger Bro - Joel
O - Oranges or Apples: Braeburn Apples w/ Sharp Cheddar Cheese
P - Phobias or Fears: snakes (anything without legs that resembles a snake...eels!)
Q - Quote: Most relateable: "I'm quiet but I can't shut up!"
R - Reason To Smile: Having a man that is truly committed and loves me, even with all my warts.
T - Tag Three: Kendra (c'mon girl!), Rachel, Jess (get a blog site and get writing!)
U- Unknown fact about me: C'mon, I'm an open book!
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Dominion baby, dominion!
W - Worst Habit: Pick one? ...Procrastination!
X - Rays or Ultrasounds: Let's omit the X in X-Rays and go with Rays! Nap by the beach anyone?!?
Y - Your favorite food: Great wine and well paired Gorgonzola cheese.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


My dear friend sent me a verse for my weary spirit. I've commented with my application and maybe this will help you tackle your day with a glad heart and rejoicing tongue.

Psalm 16
7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
(He is always at work. Even when things suck.)

8 I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
(I choose to believe His promises.)

9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
(He will bring me physical rest and will choose to be positive.)

10 because you will not abandon me to the grave, [
nor will you let your Holy One [
d] see decay.
(My current circumstances are not the end of the world...just a bump in the road.)

11 You have made [
e] known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
(You have a plan, Lord. Your sweet presence is enough to bolster me through today and into eternity.)

Life sucks sometimes but God is always good. My body rests secure and I rejoice amidst tough circumstances because His promises do no fail.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dog-gone It!!!!

Our dog, Solomon, is causing me heart-ache. Some of you may know that we got him from the Dumb Friends League before we had Georgia and have had a handful of behavioral issues with him. He was abused before we got him and is/was aggressive due to his fearful past. We've spent close to $1000 on behavioral training and have gotten him to a point where we enjoy his company and are comfortable with calling him our dog du jour.

Now we have another problem. Just a few years ago he partially tore his doggie ACL. We saw a surgeon and were told that it would eventually tear entirely and we would need a $5000 surgery to repair his leg. Well, that day has come and he's miserable. I just bought him doggie-aspirin but it doesn't seem to be helping much.

Here's my dilemma. My relationship with Soly has been a struggle but I'm finally at a point where a really appreciate his company and built-in doggie-barking security system. So, I want to have the surgery but we just don't have the money AND even if we did, spending 5G's on a dog just seems insane. I mean I love him but c'mon!!

I've called MaxFund and they quoted me just over $2,500 but that still seems to be too much. So, if you have any insight or suggestions please post here. What would you do? Am I being too soft or is it silly to even entertain the thought of putting a dog down b/c of an injured leg? I await your input with turning stomach...

Monday, June 30, 2008

Menu Mania...

I have yet to grocery shop but my menu for the week is as follows:

  • Buffalo Burritos or Quesadillas (for the kids)
  • Grilled Lemon-Pepper Trout and Cous Cous
  • Chicken and Broccoli Casserole w/ Rice
  • Tortilla Torta and Watermelon (chicken and cheese for the kids)
  • Breakfast for dinner

Lunches: (all lunches are served with fresh fruit or veggies -whatever's on sale!)

  • Left-Over Quiche (Broccoli and White Cheddar, Blue Cheese and Bacon)
  • Homemade Mac'N'Cheese spiked w/ Carrot Puree (every week!)
  • PBJ's or PBB's (PB and banana)
  • Pasta Salad w/ Wheat Pasta, Italian Dressing and Assorted Veggies
  • Yogurt, Fruit and Muffins
  • Turkey Dogs and Cornbread Muffins (frozen from double batch)


  • Oatmeal-Flax-Raisin Cookies
  • Mixed-Fruit Pie (snacks and lunches)
  • Banana Muffins w/ Chocolate Chips (sweetened w/ applesauce)
  • Air-Popped Popcorn and Fruit
  • Yogurt
  • Chocolate Bread Pudding

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Do we have to deal in reality ?!?

This last Tuesday was Chris' dad's birthday and I spent the day with him and the girls. In the evening we went to dinner as a big family (Aunts, Uncles, kids AND BOB'S NEW GIRLFRIEND!) Now, Chris and I have met her once before (and really liked her) but it's still difficult to transition from the oh-so-normal picture of Chris' parents, Bob and Sharon, to Bob with a new lady friend just shortly after Sharon's death.

Georgia met one of Bob's other lady-friends a few months ago and let's just say she responded with a clear statement of "you are not my BaBaBoo!" So, we have been cautious about introducing her to his new friend for fear that G would be funky again. But, Bob's getting serious with this lady and we took the plunge.

After some prompting from a friend I had a straight forward conversation with Georgia about PaPa having lady friends after BaBaBoo. (Which is so funny that it had to be suggested that I be straight-forward but I've since realized that I too wanted to avoid the reality of our circumstance...Sharon gone, lady-friend ever presently here.) Long story short, I started into a conversation with Georgia and she interrupted me and said, "Don't worry mom, I won't be ugly. I don't want PaPa to be lonely." And, she was just lovely the entire dinner.

Now maybe someone can have a straight forward conversation with me. It's still tough and I have a feeling it will be for a long while. Love your people my friends. Love your people.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Freegan Schmeegan ???

Well, some of you may have heard of Freeganism but if you haven't I'm posting the definition off Wikipedia for your review and then I'll get on with my blog...

"Freeganism is an anti-consumerist lifestyle whereby people employ alternative living strategies based on "limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources. Freegans embrace community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed."[1] The lifestyle involves salvaging discarded, unspoiled food from supermarket dumpsters that have passed, or in some cases haven't even passed, their sell by date, but are still edible and nutritious. They salvage the food not because they are poor or homeless, but as a political statement."

So, the thought of dabbling in the freegan lifestyle has been swirling around my busy brain. Living in an area of town that is visibly wasteful makes me wonder if I'm missing a great opportunity to benefit from my neighbor's (specifically my neighborhood's grocery store's) over-stocking and waste.

On the flip side, digging through a trash can at 10:30 at night makes my nerves crimp up a bit. Doesn't that seem extreme? Or, would it be worth it and maybe even a bit exhilarating?

Until I reach some form of an opinion I'll be searching websites and looking for your input...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dodge Ball !!!!!!!!

This weekend is my 10 year reunion and last night was Dodge Ball kick-off night. We had a blast drinking Gatorade and chucking balls at each other! But let me tell you...I'm not as young as I used to be. (Duh...) I tweaked my knee in the first game and limped off the court without trying to look like a wimp... I won't be TaeBo-ing as planned today. Darn.

Today is the Cocktail Party and, as usual, I'm involved in the planning and I'm off to finish my last minute list.

I do think I'll be hosting a dodge ball night some time soon... It's fun!
Enjoy your Saturday.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm back...

It's been way too long since I've posted! Life's been crazy and I've been treading water like a crazy lady in a plus size swimsuit!

I volunteered for VBS at our church this week and it was great. Don't get me wrong, hauling 14 four year old children around is quite a chore but they are all so sweet and eager to learn. And I'm not sure you've noticed, but I have a gift for the theatrical and it was nice to have an outlet to squirm on the ground like a worm or make my most gigantic bubble face while still trying to breathe through my nose like a lady! I taught Georgia's class and she was exhausted by the end of today. Later, she and I had a bit of a melt-down. Georgia and I talked our way through the melt-down and now we have another mommy-GiGi lesson to tuck under our belts! Whew.

Changing subjects completely...
Lately, I've been whining a bit to my husband about not meeting my needs. You know, not enough compliments, not enough this, not enough that... Poor guy. He tries so hard and has such a great heart. But ya know what? I still feel how I feel. So, I keep communicating (gently...I hope) and we'll continue to grow as man and crazy wife!

There's my news and vent for now. More frequent posting to come.... Thanks for listening.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Precious In Pink...

For days Georgia has been asking Chris to have her fingernails painted pink. It's amazing how she picks up on these things because I generally do not have my nails painted and don't really encourage her to be "beautified" but never the less she wanted pink nails. So, yesterday I painted her nails. It was such a special moment with her sitting so still as not to smudge her paint and getting so concerned over the fact that it could come off when she washes her hands. After much reassurance, Georgia washed her hands and came out of the bathroom with a huge sigh of relief!

Anyway, while we were painting nails she asked me why my fingernails weren't painted and I told her I really don't like my fingernails painted, just my toes. (Polish on my fingers makes me claustrophobic! I know, commit me now...) Then she asked why I have red polish and not pink and I told her it's because I like red polish better. (Truly it's because I need all the hubby sex-appeal I can get so I go with red to counteract the hairy legs!! I figure it's a wash.) Georgia then began to talk about how it's okay that we like different things because we love each other no matter what. I was so proud and, in with my dig-deeper tendency, I took it a bit further with a light talk about people's differences in hair color, skin color, favorite things etc. We talked about race, gender and nationality. Who knew this could all come from nail polish?!

It was a joy to breathe in the moment and look into G's eyes which were filled with a plentiful measure of joy and curiosity. By far, my favorite moment of the day.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Week Meals:

This week I shopped at Sunflower Market (primarily produce - this week's ads made it clear that SM's produce was much less expensive) and Safeway. I did buy a few convenience foods (Goldfish, Fiber-One Bars, Potato Chips)... It seems like I can really cut the budget for over a month or so and then I get burnt out on being so "homemade" and "budget conscious". So, this was a more expensive week and I spent a total of $110. This includes, however, 4 discounted deodorants for Chris and a few bulk paper product purchases that I only make every few months or so.

Anyway, here's the scoop on this week's menu:

  • BBQ Ribs w/ Broccoli and Parmesan Cornbread Muffins
  • Mango Curry Salmon w/ Rice and Artichokes
  • "Oven-Fried" Chicken Strips w/ Corn On The Cobb
  • South Beach Pancakes w/ Fruit and Hash browns
  • Fried Chicken Legs w/ Garlic Zucchini


  • Turkey Sandwiches w/ Potato Chips and Fruit
  • Breakfast Cous Cous
  • Homemade Mac'N'Cheese w/ Mickey Mouse Noodles (Reese's choice)
  • Peanut Butter Sandwiches w/ Goldfish
  • Pasta Salad


  • HomemadeBanana Muffins
  • Fruit and Goldfish
  • Homemade Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
  • Fiber-One Bars and Fruit Leather
  • Popcorn
  • Homemade Tapioca Pudding


  • Fruit Pie
  • Wheat Bread w/ Flax and Honey

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Last night Chris and I were laying in bed and just before we fell asleep Chris said quietly, "Sorry honey." I said, "Sorry for what babe?" and Chris said "Sorry for where we are." It broke my heart as I tried to encourage him that we're living an upright and respectable life and waiting on God to reveal the next phase. Chris has been working so hard doing any and everything to support us and I see he's feeling hopeless right now.

So, this morning I concentrated on the subject of hope while doing my devotion. This is the verse I have written on a sticky note and posted by his bedside. My prayer is that the Truth bring Chris hope and also bring hope to anyone who needs this verse today.

Psalm 42:11
But O my soul, don't be discouraged. Don't be upset. EXPECT God to act. For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise Him for all He will do. He is my help. He is my God.

We have so much to be thankful for even now and I EXPECT God to act in more amazing and wonderful ways. I anticipate greatness with a thankful heart.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Meal Plan 5/19 - 5/26

This week I shopped at Sunflower Market b/c I didn't need as many dry goods as usual and those that I did need I could by in bulk at a significant discount (rice, dried beans). Also, last week I spent $6 for a cantaloupe at Safeway and then saw the SM ad with cantaloupe for $1 ea!!! So, this week I shopped great produce and a few necessary bulk items. The rest is coming from the freezer and pantry. This week's grocery bill was $29!

Our menu reads like this:

  • Grilled Cheese, Fruit (Cantaloupe and Strawberries) and Broccoli
  • Sweet Potato Chowder w/ Cornbread Muffins
  • Slow Cooker Pot Roast and Veggies
  • Chimichangas w/ Rice, Beans and Zucchini (made from left-over pot roast meat)
  • Breakfast for Dinner (fritatta, waffles or something w/ hash browns...)

Lunches: (all supplemented w/ fruit and veggie sides)

  • Homemade Mac'N'Cheese
  • Turkey Sandwiches (from left-over frozen turkey breast)
  • Left-over Chimichangas
  • Yogurt and Fruit
  • Peanut Butter Sandwiches and Smoothies
  • Egg Salad Sandwiches


  • Jello
  • Pudding
  • Smoothies
  • Whole Wheat Bagels and Cream Cheese
  • Cheese and Apple Slices

Recipes under separate post...

Monday, May 12, 2008

YoYo Menu Week...

Well, it's late on Monday and I still have yet to make my grocery list and go shopping. So, I plan to have a "YoYo Week (You're On You're Own)" in which I only go to the store for fresh produce (under $25) and cook out of the pantry and freezer. The meals are generally less inventive but I do this about once a month to take a bite out of the budget and clean out the pantry.

Here's what I have planned:

  • Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo with Broccoli
  • Black Bean and Beef Burritos (w/ avocado, sour cream, cheese, salsa)
  • Grilled Cheese and Fruit
  • BBQ Sandwiches, Corn and Baked Beans and Watermelon (frozen bbq pork from large batch)
  • Pizza with homemade crust and assorted toppings (refrigerator raid, usually end of week)
  • Fritatta (w/ sauteed potatoes and assorted veggies) and fruit


  • Popcorn
  • Biscotti (left over from last week)
  • Peanut Butter Tortillas and Fruit
  • Smoothies (w/ flax, yogurt, fruit, water)
  • Apple Slices and Cheese
  • Homemade Banana Muffins
  • Homemade Buttermilk Pancakes (for breakfasts, lunches or snacks - I freeze them and then pop them in the toaster whenever I want them)


  • Ham and Cheese Sandwiches w/ Carrots and Ranch Dressing
  • Scrambled Eggs, Toast and Fruit; Chocolate Pudding
  • Left-Over Pizza, Mango and Popsicles
  • Grilled chicken w/ Ranch, Yogurt, Fruit and Veggie
  • Cheese Quesadillas, grilled chicken, pineapple
  • Quiche - made w/ leftover pie crust from last week

I'll post some of the recipes a little bit later. Hope this helps!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lunches and Snacks...

Well, since my last meal post several people have said that I didn't include snack and lunch details. So, I'm going to list the things I gave the girls the past several days. And hey, if you have any good ideas post them on here and share your insight with the group!!!

  • String chees and apples
  • Popcorn and pineapple
  • Homemade pudding
  • Pretzels and strawberries
  • Homemade cornbread muffins


  • Cheesy bagel bites - whole wheat bagels w/ melted cheese cut into bite size pieces w/ scissors; applesauce
  • Macaroni and Cheese spiked with sour cream and carrot puree; steamed broccoli
  • Yogurt, strawberries, pretzels
  • Turkey kielbasa sausage on toothpicks w/ ketchup, carrots and ranch, canned peaches in juice concentrate
  • Scrambled eggs w/ whole wheat tortillas and watermelon

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Meal Mania...

Several of my girlfriends have mentioned their frustration with creating weekly meal menus while maintaining a tight budget and serving both hubby and kid-friendly food. I certainly do not have the meal planning down to a science but the whole process is something I really enjoy. So, I thought I'd post my weekly meal plans on my blog site and see if my little ideas can make your lives easier.

My weekly routine is this:

Sunday afternoons -
1. Review weekly Safeway and Sunflower Market mailers to determine good sales and compare produce prices.

2. Pick recipes that contain most of the ingredients I already have in my pantry and may use sale-items from the current week's grocery sales. Note: I usually only plan 4 official dinners and 4 snacks for each week because we usually have easy dinner one or two nights (mac-n-cheese, frozen pizza, breakfast for dinner and the like) and then eat left-overs another night.

3. Make a grocery list and post my weekly meal and snack plan on my calendar.

4. Grocery shop with list and DO NOT buy anything not written on the list. Avoid center aisles of the store and always shop by unit price listed on the price tags not by sale price listed.

Meal Plan 5/4/08 - 5/11/08:

Snack/Dessert Options: (all homemade and, depending on my motivation level, I may only make 2 or 3 of option listed below)
  • Banana bread made w/ applesauce and flaxmeal
  • Rice crispy treats
  • Almond Biscotti
  • Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
  • Panna Cotta (from a mix I bought on sale)

Produce to buy on sale: (Safeway)

  • Mangos
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries

Meal Options: (again, all homemade not store bought = less sodium/less $$)

  • Quiche (ham, onion, spinach) and fruit
  • Lasagna (1/2 sausage, 1/2 vegetarian)
  • Chili w/ Parmesan-Cornbread Muffins (chili frozen from double batch made last month)
  • Burritos (ground buffalo, black bean/served w/ leftover fruit or veggies)
  • Breakfast for dinner (french toast and bacon)

I'm trying to think of a good way to post recipes... Any suggestions are welcome.

Hope this helps!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Rejuvinating Retreat...

I went to our church's retreat this last weekend and had a grand time! We laughed like 13 year-old girls, pushed our limits on a challenge course and spent time in God's Word.

Throughout the entire weekend I was really hit with how blessed I am to be surrounded by such wonderful ladies. They're real, fun and deep and it's a pleasure to know them. Thanks God for my friends!

Now, however, I'm sick from over exhausting myself, I'm sure. So pray for quick recovery!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Nothing much to say...

Blog time has passed but life is relatively the same.

One new thing...I started Tae Bo classes with a few girlfriends and it's so much fun. I love being pushed and getting that "I'm going to get my butt kicked" twittery feeling right before class begins. The endorphins are amazing and I'm in a great mood for at least 6 hours after the class. I really want to get this Tae Bo thing down and improve my left leg/arm coordination. Currently, it's almost down-right non-existent!!

Until another time...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Out of Commission...

Just posting to say that I'm out of blogging-commission for a while. Too much going on and no time to journal/chat.

Back soon...hopefully.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Simply Swooning...

Well, I met with a couple girlfriends last night and talked about my current husband experiment. As most of you know Chris is unemployed and filling in our financial gaps with side work and the like. Needless to say the nerves are raw and we're holding on for dear life. Now that you know the emotional environment, I'm sure you've surmised that I'm not swooning over my husband and his current accomplishments and a few weeks ago you would have been right. But just lately I decided to experiment with my behavior and how it translates into Chris' behavior.

So, I've been swooning over Chris like I did when we were dating for the 1st couple years. My experimental behavior includes: shining light on every little thing he does right and detracting attention away from any shortcomings or flaws; excessive touching and smiling (including a little more sex...please ladies, I do have my limits!); mushy notes placed in home-made lunches; watching his Discovery/Outer-space/Science shows with him; and the like.

Believe, me the first week I thought I was going to vomit and felt a little bad about selling myself out the way I was but then I saw Chris' demeanor change. He started talking to me more; initiating more; smiling more... IT WORKS!!! Additionally, as time went on, I started enjoying the exchange of mushy-love.

So ladies, give it a whirl. Start simply swooning and see how your man responds... You have nothing to lose because I'll be sure to let you know if the experiment goes awry.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Blog Business and The Like...

Chris took the girls to his dad's house this last weekend so I could have some time to organize, purge, clean and, oh yeah, relax! It was a glorious time. The girls' faces were glowing with such excitement once they were loaded into the car for a special trip with daddy. Believe me, my face was glowing too. Two nights and one whole day without the husband and two adorable clutter machines! I slept when I wanted to, got rid of clutter, spent time with some friends and just breathed. Heaven.

Now for a little blogging business. My girlfriend Nadeen had this survey on her blog and is interested in my answers. So here I go...

5 things you can’t live without under 5 dollars:
(I have a really hard time answering this one because I feel like I could really live without almost anything. So, I've changed it a little to 4 things I love to live with under $5)
- Coffee (really any kind that's severely strong)
- PG Black Tea
- Books on CD borrowed from the library (usually costs something due to my inevitable late fees!)
- Cheese (any kind, anywhere)

5 Favorite Movies:(in no particular order and change all the time)
1. The Mummy (the first and the sequel)
2. Romeo and Juliet (Clare Danes)
3. The Broken Down Palace
4. Message In A Bottle
5. Happy Gilmore

5 Songs (or albums) you could listen to over and over again: (again, no order)
1. "Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers (me too, Nadeen!)
2. "Zombie" The Cranberries
3. Any collaboration with Lauren Hill and Santana
4. Almost anything from Smashing Pumpkins
5. Any hard core gospel

5 people who have had a positive influence in your life:
1. Family - parents, grandparents
2. High School Guidance Counselor/Teacher/Coach (Kelly Hasz)
3. Michael and Linda Chowdry
4. Vicki Foster (godmother)
5. Kirk Rowland (coach)

5 things in your purse you cannot live without:
1. Wallet
That's it!!

5 moments that changed your life forever:
1. Seeing Chris from across the room when I was 12 years old
2. Learning to run properly when I was 11 - the beginning of my athletic experience
3. Really coming to practically know the Lord as my everything in Junior High.
4. Having Georgia in April 2004 and learning how to shrink my life down to the things that matter
5. Having Reese in January 2006 and learning that a plan is not always fool-proof and that riding life as it comes can be freeing and enlightening

5 current obsessions:
1. Living a clutter-free life
2. Balancing a love of food with a healthy life-style
3. Not just knowing God but daily living my faith and a spirit-filled life
4. How deflated and droopy my boobs are!!
5. Raising well adjusted, healthy, intelligent, compassionate children

5 places I would love to travel:
1. Italy
2. UK
3. Africa
4. Napa Valley
5. South Pacific by catamaran

5 people who’s top 5 you would like to see:
1. Crysti (c'mon girl!)
2. Lori
3. Kendra
4. Rachel
5. Breanna


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Evening...

Well, we made it to Easter evening and we're all in one piece. The girls loved the Easter extravaganza so happily put on my my parents. Easter egg hunts, balloon releasing, lollipop growing and Easter baskets.

One funny and touching thing stands out to me. Georgia got a toy ring out of one of the Easter egg decor kits and put it on her finger this morning. I didn't think anything of it but noticed she was still wearing it after church. Knowing Georgia's intolerance for jewelry I thought surely the ring would be lost by then but, no. Unknowingly, my mom asked her where she got the ring and she said she got it to remind her of her BaBaBoo and to remember that BaBaBoo is in heaven and that we love her. That story was completely her own way of including Chris' mom (who died in December) in our special day. She wore the ring all day; even for nap. Isn't that special?

I've been missing Sharon so much lately myself and am surprised that I am mourning her loss more now than in January and December. So, to follow Georgia's lead I have a little letter to Sharon that I'd like to post in her honor. I post this for you to read so you have a glimps of how brief life really is and I hope to spur you on to love the ones you have; embrace them; treasure them.

Dear Sharon,

We miss you. I carried your Easter pie making torch with much trepidation but followed your recipe exactly and could hear your voice telling me repeatedly to, "Keep your hands out of the dough!". Every time I'd start to touch the pie dough I would laugh at all the times you fixed my measurements and wiped the flour off my hiney. The pies were okay but I still don't have that edge crimping thing down that you tried to teach me so many times. I wish I could hear you tell me how just one more time. My kitchen is small and as you would say, "It's a one butt kitchen" but I sure wish there were two butts in there yesterday. I still had so much to learn from you.

You should have seen the girls today. Georgia wore green and Reese wore her signature pink. They were adorable. Reese chased bubbles squealing and Georgia hunted Easter eggs with inherent determination. They have so much of you in them, BaBaBoo.

We talked about you at dinner. You're so apparently with us even though you're gone. I miss your presence in our every day lives.

Much love.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Back from Branson!!!

We're back from Branson and had a great time. Amazingly, the kids traveled in the car very well and we would consider another road trip!


- Uninterrupted time with our kids

- Playing games almost every night

- Georgia taking on more independence in the pool and in general

- Reese's joy-filled face while watching a horse show with animals and the like

- Experiencing God's goodness and faithfulness. We'd been praying for a break (and couldn't afford one) for a long while. He created an opportunity for us to decompress and rest. Thanks God, You truly care about the little details of our life!

Thank you for an amazing time you lovely Beckett family!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Nearest and Dearest

I had a fun night last night with some of my dearest and oldest friends. What a joy to be with the people who know your early much needn't be said. It's just already factored in.

Just a little thought from me today. I'm too busy throwing gobs of crap into bags, readying our family to leave for vacation tomorrow morning!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My sentiment on my sentimentality...

I've heard that I'm not sentimental a lot lately and I've been thinking about whether or not I believe that to be true about myself. Here's what I've got so far:

I listen to Delilah people!!! Yep, Kosi 101 DJ, Delilah, who talks about love and life changing experiences in an overly soothing airy voice. She's on every night from like 7pm to 11pm and each night I'm in the car around that time I switch between NPR's broadcast of the BBC and Kosi's Delilah show. People call in and talk about how much they love their husbands, dogs and other mumbo jumbo but I eat it up!!

Now tell me I don't have a little sentimental mushy gush in me!! Hah.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Road Trip Tips...

Hello lovelies...

We're taking a 12 hour road trip this Sunday and the nerves are building. Driving 3 hours with the girls is uncomfortable for me and 12 hours just seems nuts. Obviously, it will be worth a week of vacation but I'm searching for any and every way to help alleviate the stress.

Share with me your road trip strategies. I need tips, secrets, medications...whatever!!!

I want to be prepared and enjoy my time. Help me!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Ah Hah!

It's been a lazy morning of laying in bed for a time after waking, staggering into kitchen to warm my coffee that Chris placed by my bedside two hours earlier and falling onto the couch and watching the rest of my TiVo'd movie, Maid in Manhattan. Yes, it's a chick-flick and I actually enjoyed it! These days, I can use all the happy endings I can get.

Anyway, something struck me. Near the end of the movie when J-Lo was being canned for canoodling with the to-be Senator her butler-boss said, "You know, we do serve but it doesn't define who we are. We serve with dignity and great care. We may serve them but we aren't their servants." While lounging with my feet propped on the end of my sofa I began to think. That applies to me! I'm great at serving, assisting and coordinating but it's not glamorous or reputable. I have always been self conscious of the fact that I served for a living. "Assistant" had such a lowly connotation. Now, I know what God says about serving and it's good but that single line stirred up that thought process within me again. So, where ever God leads me next, assistant or not, I will remember, to serve is dignified; whether serving my family, my husband or as a career.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life's A Zoo!!

I took the girls to the zoo yesterday and had a wonderful time. On the drive to the zoo adventure I was self-talking and determined I would really tune into my girls and not be "inconvenienced" by their exploratory nature. So, after much stroller pushing (by Reese), bird chasing (by Georgia..she nicknamed the little birds "Bye-bye's") and snapping in and out of the stroller 350 times; I had one heck of a good time. I looked my girls in the eyes, was playful about the little things and danced to the African music playing at a closed exhibit. (Yes, it drew a crowd and it felt great!)

Georgia woke up this morning and wanted to go again today. Holy moley, it's been a while since I've really engaged with my girls! The stress was stripped away (for about 3 hours...) and I'm smiling more today. Kids really are sunshine.

Hope you're experiencing some wonderful sunshine of your own...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Today I woke up snippy and intolerant! Screaming kids, lagging husband and my coffee tastes funny!! Bah humbug...

Anyway, I'm taking the girls to the zoo so there are witnesses around. That way, I don't lose it!

Here's my verse for the day:

Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God and those who are called according to His purpose."

I just heard a toilet flush and my potty trained child is standing next to me... Uh oh...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Yes, I know it's been too long...

Life's nuts. I'm sifting the joy out of a life that is currently incredibly stressful and unknown. Man, sifting is hard work!!

Anyway, here's the great stuff of my currently stressful life:

1. I haven't killed my husband.
2. I haven't killed my children.
3. I haven't killed myself.

....okay, okay...seriously...

1. My marriage is growing.
2. I'm becoming more patient and really developing a consciousness of my flapping mouth.
3. We just had some great friends move one block away!
4. We've been invited to vacation with wonderful friends. No job? Hit the road!
5. Reese is really talking more and I'm able to reason with her. Also, I'm enjoying our little conversations: Mommy - "Okay Reese, open your mouth wide like a lion." Reese - "No mommy, like a camel!"
6. Georgia is learning to really enjoy playing with Reese. They're becoming buddies!!
7. I have growing vision for my purpose and anxiously await God's timing.
8. My life is crazy but my spirit is full. I'm blessed to tears.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Toasting A Turkey...

I bought a whole turkey on discount during the holiday and froze it. Today I felt motivated to roast my first turkey and have a nice dinner and plenty of frozen turkey meat for future meals. I am currently wearing extra layers of clothing and hiding in my bedroom because my house is full of smoke and all the windows are open so the fire alarm doesn't go off again!!! Martha would be very disappointed in my performance. (Which Martha you ask? Both, jail-bird Martha Stewart and my mom, super-homemaker Martha!)

Anyway, I'm not stressing. I've decided to implement my "2008 attitude" and laugh. Can't laugh too hard though because I might start coughing and wheezing from all the smoke!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Fettuccini Alfredo Makes Everything Better...

Food makes my heart happy. This is one of the constants in my life. I tell you what, there's nothing like an oozy chocolate lava cake or biting blue cheese pasta...I could go on forever. I digress...

Today we met some friends that we haven't seen in over a year. We used to see them weekly before we had Georgia and then they moved farther north and we moved farther south. You know the story... After too much time we scheduled a rendesvous and went to lunch. (Hense the previous food rant.) We aren't a table of 4 anymore, we're a table of...gulp...8!!!!! Reality hit me when we were trying to explain how many booster seats and high chairs we needed to the bewildered hostess. Yowzer life changes quickly.

Mostly I feel blessed to have friends that are different and distant but still constant and soulful. It is my prayer that this is a constant in my life as well.

Friday, February 8, 2008


It's been a while since I've posted. Lately I've been feeling like I'm lost in this black hole of introspection and grasping for sanity, hope, drive and with much aspiration, hope. One moment of the day I'm motivated and excited and the very next I'm down, hopeless and frustrated. My thoughts wane from daydreaming about large martinis and ball park sized hot-dogs and then the next I'm in workout pants rejuvinated and soaking in one of the 6 books I'm reading right now.

Flip flop, upside down, overwhelmed. But still I know God is good but man sometimes life is hard!

As of now, I'm putting one foot in front of the other and holding my tongue as not to cause any permanent damage in my marriage relationship. I have a great man and that's all I need to concentrate on now.

Coasting through life sounds pretty good right now but that's just not me. I'm a mover and a shaker. Sometimes moving and shaking gets a little painful.

Maybe a martini while wearing my working pants...I'll give that a try and let you know.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Car vacation...

A little silly something to tell my friends...

I left the fam at home tonight and went out for a little lady time. On my way to game night I was driving in the car and listening to the radio. Some 80's song came on and I felt so rejuvinated and free! So free that I did the little Saturday Night Live "Night at the Roxbury" head bop dance. Yep, you heard me, I did the head bob!!!! Anyhoo, it was a mini car vacation and I highly suggest all you cooped up mommy types and overworked ladies go on a spin around the block and bop some heads! If nothing else, you'll get a good laugh.

Here's to a weekend on relaxation and football.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

To all the invisible women...

One of my friends sent me a lovely story about a woman who feels invisible. (Thanks Katrina!) At times she's invisible to her children, her spouse, her colleagues...whatever. The point of the story is that even though it seems that we are slaving away and there doesn't seem to be recognition or glory God sees every little task, every selfless act, every struggle and smiles with pride.

I've copied my favorite excerpt from the story. It inspires in me a determination to plunge forward and grow, change and develop into the woman God's called me to be. Selfless and impactful.

At times, my invisibility feels like an affliction. But it is not a disease that is erasing my life.
It is the cure for the disease of my own self-centeredness.
It is the antidote to my strong, stubborn pride.

The Conversationally Challenged Marriage...

Well, I didn't do so well last night lifting up my husband. The conversation went like this:

Tina: "Hey, come down her and interact with me. I've been alone with toddlers all day long!"
Chris: "Okay, what do you want to talk about."
Tina: "Uh, how come I always have to pick the topics. I drive everything in our lives!!"
Chris: Dead stare that in my translation said, "Give me a break woman!"
Long pause...
Tina: "Hello?"
Chris: "Why are you so frustrated?"
Tina: "I need interaction."
Chris: "Okay, I just don't have much to say."
Tina: Fast thinking in head including the following thoughts, "Don't blow! Calm yourself Tina. Be kind. Be sensitive. I wonder how much straight jackets cost? Avoid argument. Be kind..."
Tina: "Let's just go to bed. This conversation is going no-where fast!"
Chris: "Love you."
Tina: "Love you too, honey."

Ahhh, marriage. I'm not sure there's anything like the frustration of marriage sometimes. Yet, we go on loving one another and holding onto the hope that a conversation will just happen one time in the next 30-40 years!! :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday, Sunday

Today I look into the week to come with a mix of anxiety and hopeful motivation. Chris has to look for a different job very quickly. Any time the future is unknown I am so quick to jump the gun and make plans that may suffice but may not be the best long term or more importantly, may not be what God has for us. So, today and in the days to come I'm disciplining myself to be prayerful and considerate of what God would have for us and sensitive to my husband's timing, however slow it may be.

Today I am lifting up and submitting to my husband while praying like all heck that the Lord will reveal Himself and we will get another glimpse of His faithfulness. I know this, my God is faithful. I anxiously await His plan.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Hair Stylist

Okay ladies, I need a hair stylist that's awesome with thick coarse hair! I've been letting my hair go since G was born and I'm over it!

My plan was to crawl back to my amazing but customer-care challenged stylist but he won't even return my call. I guess things don't change much in 4 years!

I need someone that's amazing and experienced. I'm willing to pay top dollar. Any suggestions?