Sunday, September 28, 2008

Monkey Georgetown!!!!

So, we took a family drive after church today; had a picnic and saw the fall colors. The girls did great and can you believe it snowed on us during our picnic lunch?! Colorado, I tell you what!

Anyway, we drove back down the pass and were going into Georgetown and Reese got so excited. She started squealing, "Monkey Georgetown! Monkey Georgetown!" We finally deduced that our Curious George fanatic thought we were going to see Monkey George. After all, anything named George-something must be Monkey George affiliated!

After we drove through town Reese started to pout and asked where Monkey George was. Sadly, we broke the news that Monkey George wasn't in Georgetown that day. Reese asked where he was and Chris cleverly told her that Monkey George was exploring with the man in the yellow hat. With that she was satisfied.

Too cute. Great day. (Even despite our flat tire change on a cliff above tree-line!)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Blessings...

A short list of things that give me a smile today:

  • 5:45am morning breeze with stars and moon shining.
  • Lattes
  • Georgia constantly in her underwear with NO butt
  • Friends to be real with
  • Staying home with my girls and not missing a moment of their craziness
  • $4.99 Goodwill jeans than were recommended by Real Simple to best fit my body type! (Retail $50)

Have a great Friday!

Friday, September 19, 2008


I'm posting b/c I'm avoiding laundry, dirty carpets and toys tossed and scattered ALL OVER my house! So, just one little thought and then I'll be diligent with my time...

I was listening to K-Love this morning on the way home from bringing the girls to school and the DJ read a eulogy for some man that died 11 years ago today. Anyway, the thing that hit me was that it talked about his legacy. He accomplished great things and touched many lives but the eulogy made a point to mention that his accomplishments were not his legacy. His relationships were his legacy.

So, today as I trudge through the monotony of life I'll be thinking of what my legacy will be. Right now I've settled on the fact that my legacy starts with my husband and kids; how I can raise the girls and love my husband in a way that encourages and equips them to make a difference with their lives.

More thoughts to come on life legacies. What's your legacy?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Our pastor urged us to read Hebrews 10 after he referenced Hebrews 10: 23,24,25 in his sermon. I read it today and am still meditating on the verse he highlighted. Hebrews 10 is worth the visit.

Hebrews 10:23,24,25
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another all the more as you see the Day approaching.

It seems that we are always looking for something stable to stand on. The truth that really penetrated my heart is in vs 23; that God is faithful and THEREFORE we can move forward unswervingly with hope. Stability. Determination and Direction. Hope.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Translucent But Not Overlooked...

My father-in-law sent me an email with pictures of these translucent butterflies from Central America.

Isn't our God amazing?! If He cares about the tiny details of this butterfly's wings, surely He cares deeply about the little details in our lives!

Small Treasures...

I've found a few things lately that I really enjoy and thought I'd share them with you. ( them here so I can throw away the cocktail napkin that I wrote the wine name on for future reference!)

White Wine -
Bookwalter Chardonnay/Viognier; Yakima Valley WA

Cheese -
Blue Cheese served with Mixed Berry Preserve (Yum!)

Eat your hearts out friends!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Today's a 10 Things Day...

Rachel posts 10 positive things on the days that she needs a check or just to discipline her focus on positive. So, I'm listing mine today. Things aren't terrible but I'm losing my get-up and thought this might center me...

1. Aunt Flo came today!!! (5 days late!!!!)
2. Brownies in a bag
3. Wine
4. No-brainer TV
5. Sensitive Georgia tearing up watching the end of a mushy-girly movie (She caught the end with me when she woke up from nap. Nick Cage wins lotto and splits it w/ waitress...)
6. Black clothes (Good cover up for #'s 1, 2 and 3)
7. Girlfriends who will tell you the truth...when you're ready for it...
8. A mom who let me make mistakes and helped me learn to let my girls make mistakes.

Okay, 8 today b/c kids are going nuts!!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Stability? What's That?

Well, Chris got a call yesterday from a long-time career lead and may have a job opportunity for a large-ish AV company. Chris faxed his resume to this company in January and just last week his resume landed on the desk of our friend who works at the company! So, our friend is passing on the resume with great recommendation.

We're praying to walk in God's perfect will BUT, we're also asking that Chris be offered a position that brings financial stability and that the position be something that Chris enjoys. Will you partner with me in prayer? I have a million questions for Chris and my brain is going a million miles an hour as his brain appears to be on sabbatical. (My perception...not reality, I know.)

Until further notice...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Best Life Diet Hunger Scale

I read The Best Life Diet about a year ago and was able to implement a few of Bob Green's weight-management strategies. I was perusing his website today and realized I haven't been using his oh-so-helpful hunger scale. So, this is my latest tool to drop those lingering pounds. Maybe it will be helpful to my lady-friends too...

The key is to eat something when your hunger level is between at 3 and a 4 and to stop eating when your hunger level is between a 5 and a 6. Also, don't eat while driving, watching TV or chasing's difficult to pay attention to your hunger level when you're distracted.

10 - Stuffed - You are so full you feel nauseous.
9 - Very uncomfortably full - You need to loosen your clothes.
8 - Uncomfortably full - You feel bloated.
7 - Full - A little bit uncomfortable.
6 - Perfectly comfortable - You feel satisfied.
5 - Comfortable - You’re neither hungry nor full.
4 - Slightly uncomfortable - You’re just beginning to feel hungry.
3 - Uncomfortable - Your stomach is rumbling.
2 - Very uncomfortable - You feel irritable & unable to concentrate.

1 - Weak and light headed - You stomach acid is churning.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I've been in a rut lately and just can't get motivated to do anything really. Sometimes stress catches up ya know? So, I'm posting to report that I'm still alive, in my pj's with terrible smelling breath at 9:10am. Today I am certainly not a domestic goddess but a domestic toad. And you know what? I'm going to coast through today and embrace my over sized shirt and stinky breath!

Until tomorrow, I'm sure...