Tuesday, January 29, 2008

To all the invisible women...

One of my friends sent me a lovely story about a woman who feels invisible. (Thanks Katrina!) At times she's invisible to her children, her spouse, her colleagues...whatever. The point of the story is that even though it seems that we are slaving away and there doesn't seem to be recognition or glory God sees every little task, every selfless act, every struggle and smiles with pride.

I've copied my favorite excerpt from the story. It inspires in me a determination to plunge forward and grow, change and develop into the woman God's called me to be. Selfless and impactful.

At times, my invisibility feels like an affliction. But it is not a disease that is erasing my life.
It is the cure for the disease of my own self-centeredness.
It is the antidote to my strong, stubborn pride.

The Conversationally Challenged Marriage...

Well, I didn't do so well last night lifting up my husband. The conversation went like this:

Tina: "Hey, come down her and interact with me. I've been alone with toddlers all day long!"
Chris: "Okay, what do you want to talk about."
Tina: "Uh, how come I always have to pick the topics. I drive everything in our lives!!"
Chris: Dead stare that in my translation said, "Give me a break woman!"
Long pause...
Tina: "Hello?"
Chris: "Why are you so frustrated?"
Tina: "I need interaction."
Chris: "Okay, I just don't have much to say."
Tina: Fast thinking in head including the following thoughts, "Don't blow! Calm yourself Tina. Be kind. Be sensitive. I wonder how much straight jackets cost? Avoid argument. Be kind..."
Tina: "Let's just go to bed. This conversation is going no-where fast!"
Chris: "Love you."
Tina: "Love you too, honey."

Ahhh, marriage. I'm not sure there's anything like the frustration of marriage sometimes. Yet, we go on loving one another and holding onto the hope that a conversation will just happen one time in the next 30-40 years!! :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday, Sunday

Today I look into the week to come with a mix of anxiety and hopeful motivation. Chris has to look for a different job very quickly. Any time the future is unknown I am so quick to jump the gun and make plans that may suffice but may not be the best long term or more importantly, may not be what God has for us. So, today and in the days to come I'm disciplining myself to be prayerful and considerate of what God would have for us and sensitive to my husband's timing, however slow it may be.

Today I am lifting up and submitting to my husband while praying like all heck that the Lord will reveal Himself and we will get another glimpse of His faithfulness. I know this, my God is faithful. I anxiously await His plan.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Hair Stylist

Okay ladies, I need a hair stylist that's awesome with thick coarse hair! I've been letting my hair go since G was born and I'm over it!

My plan was to crawl back to my amazing but customer-care challenged stylist but he won't even return my call. I guess things don't change much in 4 years!

I need someone that's amazing and experienced. I'm willing to pay top dollar. Any suggestions?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Gift of Love

Today is Reese's 2nd birthday!! Chris and I were up last night until midnight blowing up bags of balloons, hanging streamers and wrapping presents. What joy to have a little person to celebrate! How blessed are we to have little Reesey who's witty, smart and persistent!

God is so good to reveal himself through our children. I look in Reese's face while she's licking my arm in an effort to avert attention from her oncoming timeout or screaming bloody murder for no apparent reason and I feel such compassion and love. And yet, I'm still determined to discipline her in an effort to show her real love; the love that lasts and gives a sense of value. I think that's how our Father feels. He loves us too much to keep us where we are. He wants to grow us and growth hurts sometimes. So know this, even when you're licking the arm of God and avoiding your time-out, God is loving you, caring for you and growing you up into the person he's called you to be. A valuable woman or man of God.

Happy Birthday Reesey! Thank you Lord for the gift of my little girl.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bang Some Pots With Your Kids...or Alone!

Today was a crazy day. On my "to-do today list" I was sure to include "activity with kids" because I knew I'd get carried away in my organization attack and neglect my children.

After half the day was over, the girls were playing on the kitchen floor with wooden spoons, pots and pans, and cereal. I got down on the floor with them and we had our own rendition of the Blue Man Group. I tell you what, we drummed and stirred our hearts out! Talk about stress relief.

So, I urge you my friends, on a crazy day be sure to grab a pot and wooden spoon and go to town! (Preferably not in the aisle at Target...you just might be admitted...)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Twisted Tendencies

I just got back from a quick getaway with my sister and mom to celebrate my mom's birthday. We went to Glenwood and had a nice time giggling, eating and just hanging out. (I had soup for lunch today to help curb the overindulgence!!)

Friday night my mom went to bed early and my sister and I were staring at each other wondering what to do next. Keep in mind that two boring mommy's don't have staring time very often! So, we decided to head to the hotel lobby and grab some extra towels and happened by the hotel bar for a night-cap. The scene? Small bar, about to close, filled with locals reviewing their paycheck stubs after the weeks work. Conclusion? A very happening scene.

Long story short, my sister left her seat for a moment and I was left watching a re-run of the Nugs game on flat-screen. Two young guys were sitting just down the bar and I noticed that one of the was looking my way quite frequently. First I was confused and then I quickly caught on and pretended to watch the game very intently with shoulders turned away from said on-looker. Despite my body language he introduced himself and began a conversation. I obliged and my sister joined us. After chatting it quickly came out that I was married with 2 kids. The conversation changed a bit and I was sure the guys (25!) were done with the moldy mommies but NO! Turns out the next day out of no-where they appeared at the hot-springs (despite their plans to ski that day) in an effort to arrange a rendezvous later that night. Can you believe it!? Apparently marriage and children doesn't take you out of the game! Shameful. But, sadly, a little flattering.

So, my question is this. Why is it more flattering (and sometimes exhilarating) when some strange guy finds you attractive and approaches you than when a husband or friend say the exact same thing? Why should some stranger's opinion stand for more than a person you value and trust? Yet another twisted tendency, I think. You?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Walmart, Walschmart

In an effort to save even more money in the new year I've given in and shopped at Super Walmart for groceries for the first time ever! Know this, I've poo-pooed Walmart for a long time because of the fact that just walking into the gigantic store raises my blood-pressure. The tall shelves piled high with everything you can imagine, people pushing two carts; one filled with children and the other filled with Mac'n'Cheese. Oh yes, and the fact that you have to pick up your own bags from that twirly thing!! It all just makes my head spin. BUT, in an effort to relieve financial stress I trudged into Walmart territory with list in hand.

So, I sit down by my computer this morning ready to blog a little something and take a bite of the Walmart apple I bought two days ago and it's mushy and rotten!!! Worth a few saved pennies? I think not!

Are any of you successful with Walmart groceries or should I just jump ship now?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Year, New Look

I'm not big on new year resolutions but have determined to plunge into '08. No diets and deprivation for me, instead I plan to eat up all that life has to offer me. (This includes eating up both martinis AND exercise!! Oh yes, and a new short hair-cut coming soon...)

I sit on my seat with excitement and expectation. My prayer is that my eyes are opened in a new way to see what the Lord has to offer and how I can be used in this new year even despite my circumstances. I determine to grab onto the joy and peace that is so apparently around me even in the midst of stress, pain or even monotony.

So, my dear friends. Grab your work out shoes and martini glasses and plunge forward with me. May we sharpen and challenge one another. Here's to gobs of celebration and introspection in 2008!