Monday, April 28, 2008

Rejuvinating Retreat...

I went to our church's retreat this last weekend and had a grand time! We laughed like 13 year-old girls, pushed our limits on a challenge course and spent time in God's Word.

Throughout the entire weekend I was really hit with how blessed I am to be surrounded by such wonderful ladies. They're real, fun and deep and it's a pleasure to know them. Thanks God for my friends!

Now, however, I'm sick from over exhausting myself, I'm sure. So pray for quick recovery!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Nothing much to say...

Blog time has passed but life is relatively the same.

One new thing...I started Tae Bo classes with a few girlfriends and it's so much fun. I love being pushed and getting that "I'm going to get my butt kicked" twittery feeling right before class begins. The endorphins are amazing and I'm in a great mood for at least 6 hours after the class. I really want to get this Tae Bo thing down and improve my left leg/arm coordination. Currently, it's almost down-right non-existent!!

Until another time...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Out of Commission...

Just posting to say that I'm out of blogging-commission for a while. Too much going on and no time to journal/chat.

Back soon...hopefully.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Simply Swooning...

Well, I met with a couple girlfriends last night and talked about my current husband experiment. As most of you know Chris is unemployed and filling in our financial gaps with side work and the like. Needless to say the nerves are raw and we're holding on for dear life. Now that you know the emotional environment, I'm sure you've surmised that I'm not swooning over my husband and his current accomplishments and a few weeks ago you would have been right. But just lately I decided to experiment with my behavior and how it translates into Chris' behavior.

So, I've been swooning over Chris like I did when we were dating for the 1st couple years. My experimental behavior includes: shining light on every little thing he does right and detracting attention away from any shortcomings or flaws; excessive touching and smiling (including a little more sex...please ladies, I do have my limits!); mushy notes placed in home-made lunches; watching his Discovery/Outer-space/Science shows with him; and the like.

Believe, me the first week I thought I was going to vomit and felt a little bad about selling myself out the way I was but then I saw Chris' demeanor change. He started talking to me more; initiating more; smiling more... IT WORKS!!! Additionally, as time went on, I started enjoying the exchange of mushy-love.

So ladies, give it a whirl. Start simply swooning and see how your man responds... You have nothing to lose because I'll be sure to let you know if the experiment goes awry.