Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life's A Zoo!!

I took the girls to the zoo yesterday and had a wonderful time. On the drive to the zoo adventure I was self-talking and determined I would really tune into my girls and not be "inconvenienced" by their exploratory nature. So, after much stroller pushing (by Reese), bird chasing (by Georgia..she nicknamed the little birds "Bye-bye's") and snapping in and out of the stroller 350 times; I had one heck of a good time. I looked my girls in the eyes, was playful about the little things and danced to the African music playing at a closed exhibit. (Yes, it drew a crowd and it felt great!)

Georgia woke up this morning and wanted to go again today. Holy moley, it's been a while since I've really engaged with my girls! The stress was stripped away (for about 3 hours...) and I'm smiling more today. Kids really are sunshine.

Hope you're experiencing some wonderful sunshine of your own...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Today I woke up snippy and intolerant! Screaming kids, lagging husband and my coffee tastes funny!! Bah humbug...

Anyway, I'm taking the girls to the zoo so there are witnesses around. That way, I don't lose it!

Here's my verse for the day:

Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God and those who are called according to His purpose."

I just heard a toilet flush and my potty trained child is standing next to me... Uh oh...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Yes, I know it's been too long...

Life's nuts. I'm sifting the joy out of a life that is currently incredibly stressful and unknown. Man, sifting is hard work!!

Anyway, here's the great stuff of my currently stressful life:

1. I haven't killed my husband.
2. I haven't killed my children.
3. I haven't killed myself.

....okay, okay...seriously...

1. My marriage is growing.
2. I'm becoming more patient and really developing a consciousness of my flapping mouth.
3. We just had some great friends move one block away!
4. We've been invited to vacation with wonderful friends. No job? Hit the road!
5. Reese is really talking more and I'm able to reason with her. Also, I'm enjoying our little conversations: Mommy - "Okay Reese, open your mouth wide like a lion." Reese - "No mommy, like a camel!"
6. Georgia is learning to really enjoy playing with Reese. They're becoming buddies!!
7. I have growing vision for my purpose and anxiously await God's timing.
8. My life is crazy but my spirit is full. I'm blessed to tears.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Toasting A Turkey...

I bought a whole turkey on discount during the holiday and froze it. Today I felt motivated to roast my first turkey and have a nice dinner and plenty of frozen turkey meat for future meals. I am currently wearing extra layers of clothing and hiding in my bedroom because my house is full of smoke and all the windows are open so the fire alarm doesn't go off again!!! Martha would be very disappointed in my performance. (Which Martha you ask? Both, jail-bird Martha Stewart and my mom, super-homemaker Martha!)

Anyway, I'm not stressing. I've decided to implement my "2008 attitude" and laugh. Can't laugh too hard though because I might start coughing and wheezing from all the smoke!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Fettuccini Alfredo Makes Everything Better...

Food makes my heart happy. This is one of the constants in my life. I tell you what, there's nothing like an oozy chocolate lava cake or biting blue cheese pasta...I could go on forever. I digress...

Today we met some friends that we haven't seen in over a year. We used to see them weekly before we had Georgia and then they moved farther north and we moved farther south. You know the story... After too much time we scheduled a rendesvous and went to lunch. (Hense the previous food rant.) We aren't a table of 4 anymore, we're a table of...gulp...8!!!!! Reality hit me when we were trying to explain how many booster seats and high chairs we needed to the bewildered hostess. Yowzer life changes quickly.

Mostly I feel blessed to have friends that are different and distant but still constant and soulful. It is my prayer that this is a constant in my life as well.

Friday, February 8, 2008


It's been a while since I've posted. Lately I've been feeling like I'm lost in this black hole of introspection and grasping for sanity, hope, drive and with much aspiration, hope. One moment of the day I'm motivated and excited and the very next I'm down, hopeless and frustrated. My thoughts wane from daydreaming about large martinis and ball park sized hot-dogs and then the next I'm in workout pants rejuvinated and soaking in one of the 6 books I'm reading right now.

Flip flop, upside down, overwhelmed. But still I know God is good but man sometimes life is hard!

As of now, I'm putting one foot in front of the other and holding my tongue as not to cause any permanent damage in my marriage relationship. I have a great man and that's all I need to concentrate on now.

Coasting through life sounds pretty good right now but that's just not me. I'm a mover and a shaker. Sometimes moving and shaking gets a little painful.

Maybe a martini while wearing my working pants...I'll give that a try and let you know.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Car vacation...

A little silly something to tell my friends...

I left the fam at home tonight and went out for a little lady time. On my way to game night I was driving in the car and listening to the radio. Some 80's song came on and I felt so rejuvinated and free! So free that I did the little Saturday Night Live "Night at the Roxbury" head bop dance. Yep, you heard me, I did the head bob!!!! Anyhoo, it was a mini car vacation and I highly suggest all you cooped up mommy types and overworked ladies go on a spin around the block and bop some heads! If nothing else, you'll get a good laugh.

Here's to a weekend on relaxation and football.