Monday, March 31, 2008

Blog Business and The Like...

Chris took the girls to his dad's house this last weekend so I could have some time to organize, purge, clean and, oh yeah, relax! It was a glorious time. The girls' faces were glowing with such excitement once they were loaded into the car for a special trip with daddy. Believe me, my face was glowing too. Two nights and one whole day without the husband and two adorable clutter machines! I slept when I wanted to, got rid of clutter, spent time with some friends and just breathed. Heaven.

Now for a little blogging business. My girlfriend Nadeen had this survey on her blog and is interested in my answers. So here I go...

5 things you can’t live without under 5 dollars:
(I have a really hard time answering this one because I feel like I could really live without almost anything. So, I've changed it a little to 4 things I love to live with under $5)
- Coffee (really any kind that's severely strong)
- PG Black Tea
- Books on CD borrowed from the library (usually costs something due to my inevitable late fees!)
- Cheese (any kind, anywhere)

5 Favorite Movies:(in no particular order and change all the time)
1. The Mummy (the first and the sequel)
2. Romeo and Juliet (Clare Danes)
3. The Broken Down Palace
4. Message In A Bottle
5. Happy Gilmore

5 Songs (or albums) you could listen to over and over again: (again, no order)
1. "Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers (me too, Nadeen!)
2. "Zombie" The Cranberries
3. Any collaboration with Lauren Hill and Santana
4. Almost anything from Smashing Pumpkins
5. Any hard core gospel

5 people who have had a positive influence in your life:
1. Family - parents, grandparents
2. High School Guidance Counselor/Teacher/Coach (Kelly Hasz)
3. Michael and Linda Chowdry
4. Vicki Foster (godmother)
5. Kirk Rowland (coach)

5 things in your purse you cannot live without:
1. Wallet
That's it!!

5 moments that changed your life forever:
1. Seeing Chris from across the room when I was 12 years old
2. Learning to run properly when I was 11 - the beginning of my athletic experience
3. Really coming to practically know the Lord as my everything in Junior High.
4. Having Georgia in April 2004 and learning how to shrink my life down to the things that matter
5. Having Reese in January 2006 and learning that a plan is not always fool-proof and that riding life as it comes can be freeing and enlightening

5 current obsessions:
1. Living a clutter-free life
2. Balancing a love of food with a healthy life-style
3. Not just knowing God but daily living my faith and a spirit-filled life
4. How deflated and droopy my boobs are!!
5. Raising well adjusted, healthy, intelligent, compassionate children

5 places I would love to travel:
1. Italy
2. UK
3. Africa
4. Napa Valley
5. South Pacific by catamaran

5 people who’s top 5 you would like to see:
1. Crysti (c'mon girl!)
2. Lori
3. Kendra
4. Rachel
5. Breanna


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Evening...

Well, we made it to Easter evening and we're all in one piece. The girls loved the Easter extravaganza so happily put on my my parents. Easter egg hunts, balloon releasing, lollipop growing and Easter baskets.

One funny and touching thing stands out to me. Georgia got a toy ring out of one of the Easter egg decor kits and put it on her finger this morning. I didn't think anything of it but noticed she was still wearing it after church. Knowing Georgia's intolerance for jewelry I thought surely the ring would be lost by then but, no. Unknowingly, my mom asked her where she got the ring and she said she got it to remind her of her BaBaBoo and to remember that BaBaBoo is in heaven and that we love her. That story was completely her own way of including Chris' mom (who died in December) in our special day. She wore the ring all day; even for nap. Isn't that special?

I've been missing Sharon so much lately myself and am surprised that I am mourning her loss more now than in January and December. So, to follow Georgia's lead I have a little letter to Sharon that I'd like to post in her honor. I post this for you to read so you have a glimps of how brief life really is and I hope to spur you on to love the ones you have; embrace them; treasure them.

Dear Sharon,

We miss you. I carried your Easter pie making torch with much trepidation but followed your recipe exactly and could hear your voice telling me repeatedly to, "Keep your hands out of the dough!". Every time I'd start to touch the pie dough I would laugh at all the times you fixed my measurements and wiped the flour off my hiney. The pies were okay but I still don't have that edge crimping thing down that you tried to teach me so many times. I wish I could hear you tell me how just one more time. My kitchen is small and as you would say, "It's a one butt kitchen" but I sure wish there were two butts in there yesterday. I still had so much to learn from you.

You should have seen the girls today. Georgia wore green and Reese wore her signature pink. They were adorable. Reese chased bubbles squealing and Georgia hunted Easter eggs with inherent determination. They have so much of you in them, BaBaBoo.

We talked about you at dinner. You're so apparently with us even though you're gone. I miss your presence in our every day lives.

Much love.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Back from Branson!!!

We're back from Branson and had a great time. Amazingly, the kids traveled in the car very well and we would consider another road trip!


- Uninterrupted time with our kids

- Playing games almost every night

- Georgia taking on more independence in the pool and in general

- Reese's joy-filled face while watching a horse show with animals and the like

- Experiencing God's goodness and faithfulness. We'd been praying for a break (and couldn't afford one) for a long while. He created an opportunity for us to decompress and rest. Thanks God, You truly care about the little details of our life!

Thank you for an amazing time you lovely Beckett family!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Nearest and Dearest

I had a fun night last night with some of my dearest and oldest friends. What a joy to be with the people who know your early much needn't be said. It's just already factored in.

Just a little thought from me today. I'm too busy throwing gobs of crap into bags, readying our family to leave for vacation tomorrow morning!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My sentiment on my sentimentality...

I've heard that I'm not sentimental a lot lately and I've been thinking about whether or not I believe that to be true about myself. Here's what I've got so far:

I listen to Delilah people!!! Yep, Kosi 101 DJ, Delilah, who talks about love and life changing experiences in an overly soothing airy voice. She's on every night from like 7pm to 11pm and each night I'm in the car around that time I switch between NPR's broadcast of the BBC and Kosi's Delilah show. People call in and talk about how much they love their husbands, dogs and other mumbo jumbo but I eat it up!!

Now tell me I don't have a little sentimental mushy gush in me!! Hah.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Road Trip Tips...

Hello lovelies...

We're taking a 12 hour road trip this Sunday and the nerves are building. Driving 3 hours with the girls is uncomfortable for me and 12 hours just seems nuts. Obviously, it will be worth a week of vacation but I'm searching for any and every way to help alleviate the stress.

Share with me your road trip strategies. I need tips, secrets, medications...whatever!!!

I want to be prepared and enjoy my time. Help me!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Ah Hah!

It's been a lazy morning of laying in bed for a time after waking, staggering into kitchen to warm my coffee that Chris placed by my bedside two hours earlier and falling onto the couch and watching the rest of my TiVo'd movie, Maid in Manhattan. Yes, it's a chick-flick and I actually enjoyed it! These days, I can use all the happy endings I can get.

Anyway, something struck me. Near the end of the movie when J-Lo was being canned for canoodling with the to-be Senator her butler-boss said, "You know, we do serve but it doesn't define who we are. We serve with dignity and great care. We may serve them but we aren't their servants." While lounging with my feet propped on the end of my sofa I began to think. That applies to me! I'm great at serving, assisting and coordinating but it's not glamorous or reputable. I have always been self conscious of the fact that I served for a living. "Assistant" had such a lowly connotation. Now, I know what God says about serving and it's good but that single line stirred up that thought process within me again. So, where ever God leads me next, assistant or not, I will remember, to serve is dignified; whether serving my family, my husband or as a career.