Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dog-gone It!!!!

Our dog, Solomon, is causing me heart-ache. Some of you may know that we got him from the Dumb Friends League before we had Georgia and have had a handful of behavioral issues with him. He was abused before we got him and is/was aggressive due to his fearful past. We've spent close to $1000 on behavioral training and have gotten him to a point where we enjoy his company and are comfortable with calling him our dog du jour.

Now we have another problem. Just a few years ago he partially tore his doggie ACL. We saw a surgeon and were told that it would eventually tear entirely and we would need a $5000 surgery to repair his leg. Well, that day has come and he's miserable. I just bought him doggie-aspirin but it doesn't seem to be helping much.

Here's my dilemma. My relationship with Soly has been a struggle but I'm finally at a point where a really appreciate his company and built-in doggie-barking security system. So, I want to have the surgery but we just don't have the money AND even if we did, spending 5G's on a dog just seems insane. I mean I love him but c'mon!!

I've called MaxFund and they quoted me just over $2,500 but that still seems to be too much. So, if you have any insight or suggestions please post here. What would you do? Am I being too soft or is it silly to even entertain the thought of putting a dog down b/c of an injured leg? I await your input with turning stomach...


mamarach said...

I'm not one to leave advice on this since I'm not a dog lover...but I did have a friend who faced this with their dog and I don't think it was 5K. You want her number?

Crysti said...

Yeah, that's a tough one. I've always thought I wouldn't spend so much on a dog, since in the big picture, it is an animal after all. I haven't had to prove myself though. If you give him to max fund will they fix him and re-adopt him out?

Lori Wilson said...

My heart is sad for you over this. Loosing an animal you've come to love is always heart wrenching. There is only one question that comes to my mind right now. Are you being a good steward of what God has given you, both in Solomon and in your hard earned $? Just a thought to hopefully help you along one way or the other. Love you, and I'll be praying for wisdom in this decision.

Oh, that reminds me, God promised that if we ask for wisdom it will be given to us.

Anonymous said...

Tough one! We spent A LOT of money on our dog, Zoe, because she had cancer. In the end the cancer got her and we had to put her down. Another comment had the best to someone who has been through your exact situation. Your vet can put you in touch with another client that had the same surgery. We had a lady call us wanting to know about our experience. Could you contact a university?? CSU has a very well known vet program. Maybe they could do the surgery using students? Just a thought...