Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Righteous Servant

I've taken on this habit of studying a Name of God after I'm finished with my normal bible study time.  You see, it dawned on me like any relationship we must continue to know each other, dig deeper and really find out what makes a person tick. It's the same with God.  He has tons of names, tons of attributes and although I consider myself versed in scripture I have realized through studying His names that I need to know more about who my God is -- there will always be more to know.

Today I studied about Jesus being the "Righteous Servant".  This is best highlighted in Isaiah 53:11....but read the whole chapter it paints the picture well.  Righteous Servant is described as -- pouring out his life to death, crushed, suffering, given a grave with the wicked, cut off, oppressed, afflicted.  The list goes on and on.  Sounds fun right?  Nope.  But in verse 11 it says, "After he has suffered he will see the light of life and be satisfied." AWESOME!  I want to see the light of life and be satisfied.  Lord, let it be.  

So today, as I walk through a crazy day of many things to do and many things out of my control I pray the Lord will strongly impress upon my heart that I too am to be a righteous servant.  I'm righteous because of Jesus' work on the cross and a servant because I'm called to become more and more like Him every day as the power of the Holy Spirit does His work in me.  Not by my might, but by His Spirit.  That's what I'm talking about!  Let it be Lord.  Let it be.

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