Today has been a go-with-the-flow kind of day. Reese and I were on our way to the library (as we always do on Wednesdays when Georgia is at school) and as we were headed out the door Reese laid down in the snow without snow pants and made the most beautiful snow angel. She didn't seem to mind the sopping wet pants and snow in her pig tails. Instead of rushing to get into dry clothes while attempting to control my frustration, we decided to change into appropriate snow angel clothing, skip the library and play in the snow. She had a blast.
Then, we went to get Georgia from school and instead of trailing directly home for a budget-conscious lunch we went to Noodles and had their favorite Mac. I thought we'd go home after that but nope! We saw geese at the park and HAD to stop. We meandered around at the park, spinning in circles and following bunny tracks in the snow. I thought surely we'd go home after that but...nope! We saw the library and decided to read some books, do a puzzle and drink from the drinking fountain like it was the last water we'd ever taste! The girls had a blast and I completely forgot about my to-do list. Needless to say, a nice break for all!
Wandering though our day brought refreshing and fun. Give it a try!
Sounds wonderful!!!
p.s. Can't wait to see you all
We had one of those kind of days yesterday ourselves. Must have been something in the air.
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