Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My sentiment on my sentimentality...

I've heard that I'm not sentimental a lot lately and I've been thinking about whether or not I believe that to be true about myself. Here's what I've got so far:

I listen to Delilah people!!! Yep, Kosi 101 DJ, Delilah, who talks about love and life changing experiences in an overly soothing airy voice. She's on every night from like 7pm to 11pm and each night I'm in the car around that time I switch between NPR's broadcast of the BBC and Kosi's Delilah show. People call in and talk about how much they love their husbands, dogs and other mumbo jumbo but I eat it up!!

Now tell me I don't have a little sentimental mushy gush in me!! Hah.


Anonymous said...

Uh, that gets a big "whatever dude"! :-) Delilah will not be there to show your girls your wedding dress or pictures of you or little special pieces of jewelry or whatnot when you're gone. I'm wondering if you're connecting "materialism" with this whole concept? Could that be? Because holding on to something to pass along to your children with a story/memory isn't the same thing as hoarding something for no particular reason. What do you think girls? Maybe I'm the only one who feels passionately about this?

Chris, Tina, Georgia and Reese said...

Okay, so yes, I am equating it with materialism and hording. (sp?)

I journal and write to my girls. Telling them the big and little details of their life. I don't feel like I need a piece of jewelry or a wedding dress for them to know their history or their mom/family. Now, having said that I do have things I will never get rid of: my mom's engagement ring, pictures of my wedding, my mother-in-law's special jewelry, and a few other things. I just don't see the value in keeping a very large space eating wedding dress for my kids to look at and say, "Yep, it's nice. Now can I go get my own?".


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...you might have a point about the wedding dress. MIGHT. But as a girl I LOVED it when my mom would pull out her dress and I could touch it and stare at it and dream. I thought it was beautiful and so special. But yes, I bought my own. So see...you MIGHT have a point. Don't get me wrong, I think the journaling thing is HUGE and I'm so glad you do that. I think that's awesome!!! I would've loved it if my mom had done that for me. I would've eaten up every word. I try to do it for my girls too. So we're sort of on the same wave length, don't ya think? I'd still like to store your wedding dress for you though. :-)

Lori Lynn said...

*sticking my tongue out at you* So what? Who cares? You are the wonderful, beautiful person God created you to be, sentimental or not. It's all gonna burn anyway, and like the bible says, where your treasure is there your heart will be. You can't take the things with you, but the things you instill in your husband and girls will go on forever.

mamarach said...

Where did all this come from? And the whole wedding dress discussion? What did I miss here?