Thursday, September 11, 2008

Today's a 10 Things Day...

Rachel posts 10 positive things on the days that she needs a check or just to discipline her focus on positive. So, I'm listing mine today. Things aren't terrible but I'm losing my get-up and thought this might center me...

1. Aunt Flo came today!!! (5 days late!!!!)
2. Brownies in a bag
3. Wine
4. No-brainer TV
5. Sensitive Georgia tearing up watching the end of a mushy-girly movie (She caught the end with me when she woke up from nap. Nick Cage wins lotto and splits it w/ waitress...)
6. Black clothes (Good cover up for #'s 1, 2 and 3)
7. Girlfriends who will tell you the truth...when you're ready for it...
8. A mom who let me make mistakes and helped me learn to let my girls make mistakes.

Okay, 8 today b/c kids are going nuts!!!!!


Lori Wilson said...

Look at Rachy getting all those around her counting their 10 for the day. I did mine last night.

Crysti said...

I love your G. And you of course. Today I don't need a top 10, but I'm sure I'll post one soon.