Monday, December 3, 2007

Excellence or Perfection?

Living a life of excellence is harder than we as women would like to admit. Or is it? Are we striving for excellence or perfection? I was given an excerpt from a book that really made me think and I'd like to share it with my people. Here's to all the excellent women in my life!

"The Better Way" from Finding a Mentor, Being a Mentor
Excellence is willing to be wrong,
Perfection is being right.
Excellence is risk,
Perfection is fear.
Excellence is powerful,
Perfection is anger and frustration.
Excellence is spontaneous,
Perfection is control.
Excellence is giving,
Perfection is taking.
Excellence is confidence,
Perfection is doubt.
Excellence is flowing,
Perfection is pressure.
Excellence is journey,
Perfection is destination.

1 comment:

Crysti said...

Wow! that's a good one! I'll have to print it and post it on my mirror to chew on for a while.