Sunday, November 25, 2007

Highway to Crazy Town...

I spend a great deal of time looking through cooking magazines and books in search of those kid-friendly recipes that will also appeal to the adult palate in our house.
Kids: cheese, noodles, fruit, milk, yogurt - i.e. anything bland!
Chris: peppers, sausage, curry, - i.e. spicy man-food!
Conclusion - I'm screwed.

I walked away from the table at lunch today in an effort to avoid spewing words that would damage my marriage and my children in one foul swoop!

Saturday night - Tina labors to cook a yummy, low-fat, man-friendly yet kid-friendly potato soup for service at lunch the following day.
Sunday lunch sitting at the kitchen table - Tina plates all food for family and places said food on neatly set table including the friggin' place mats...!!! Chris eats happily (thank God!) as children take turns whining about soup. Georgia pushes bowl away with grimace, Reese pushes bowl away with exact same facial expression. Georgia whines for something different, Reese follows with similar whine. Tina negotiates one bite of soup (sure that after one bite children will take to yummy, labor-full soup). Neither child buys into negotiation. Tina attempts again, describing food as yummy, just like cheesy sauce they so love...on and on... Nada. Tina looks at Chris like her head is going to pop off. Chris assumes high-pitched tone that no man would brag about and supports Tina but says nothing new. Tina introduces the concept that it IS possible to hurt her feelings and that children should try food. Chris stares blankly. Tina tries different angle. Chris stares blankly. Tina leaves table and shuts herself in her bedroom. Now, Chris gets Tina's point and takes over! (What do you know!) Children try soup. After gathering her composure, Tina resurfaces from bedroom. AHHHHHHHHH!!

You know, I'm not sure how many people could continue to work hard at a job in which there is constant and guaranteed destructive criticism and lack of thanks. Oy. Staying home is the hardest and oddly, most rewarding job I've every had! Crazy Town here I come.


Anonymous said...

How do you do it? You managed to describe quite a few meals at my house. Hmmm. The only difference being I don't usually return from the bedroom.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain too. And really I think all the guys have that tone of voice once they become dads, they just don't want to admit it.
Shouldn't we get to hide a bottle of wine or something chocolate in our rooms for this very reason???
Oh, I'd eat your soup!!

Lori Lynn said...

this sounds like thanksgiving at our house this year! I went out of my way to ask each of the kids what they wanted to go alongside our turkey. Cale said corn(which although I did have on hand somehow neglected to make it to the table), Ila said macaroni and cheese, Dante wanted "you know mom...those red berries with all the sugar," and Scotlynn just said, "turkey." Well, the only people who ate anything were Eric and I. The kids coul not even be coerced into a couple bites of turkey. AGH!! I worked so hard to make it just what everyone wanted. They will remember this fondly one day right?