Saturday, November 3, 2007

Chaos In Ferry Land...

A jet lagged husband, two snot infested girls and a stinky dog. Mrs. Ferry, this is your life. You are the proud winner of pj's and un-brushed teeth at noon on Saturday.

What's crazy? It's so fun one minute and the very next I feel like I should be rush ordering a straight jacket. It's amazing how perspective and attitude can change a moment or...a life. I determine not to let my stinky attitude waste the beauty of what God has given me. Amen?


mamarach said...

Yes my friend, it is valuable to get it out and the more vulnerable you are the more people can love on you. I just am wondering do you really want a future with challenges? Don't you have that already in the present???

Anonymous said...

Amen sister.
Posted by: Needing an attitude adjustment on a weekend with whole family up in Breckenridge...ahem..

Rachel said...
